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Monday, January 4, 2010

Revenge of the Retro Games!


Figured it wasn't all that professional for me to be posting about the game industry if you don't know what I do within it. So to be fair, here are a couple of pieces of my recent music for you to check out via youtube.

Revenge - Ahhh yes... the tried and true huge choir paired with over the top percussive, ethnic, and string elements to give the listener a sense of awesomeness when viewing trailers. To me, the whole trailer music business is way overblown and all kinda sounds the same... but damn is it a fun type of music to do! I actually have heard trailer music where the choir is saying "Yes! Yes! This is Awesome! You know it is!". Although the choir sounds SO big, that the listener will have no clue and is taken aback by the sheer awesomeness of the music paired with Jerry Bruckheimer's next action opus up on the screen. Ugh, I digress.

Retro Games Orchestrated Volume 1 - Flashback: The Quest For Identity - About two years ago, while sitting in my office at work bored after Stuntman Ignition had shipped (and done poorly), I had a crazy idea. I'm going to take some old school music from some of my favorite games like Flashback, Super Metroid, and Rush N' Attack, orchestrate it, and make it sound as epic and cinematic as possible. So, around 10 of these tracks later... I got the idea to start posting these puppies on youtube and will be posting them here on a regular basis for those interested.

Flashback is one of those SNES games that first grabbed me as a kid. Semi open level design (which feels a hell of a lot like backtracking these days... strange), damn cool music, and a pretty interesting story / mission structure. The game is definitely one of the main reasons I pursued the game industry in the first place so it seemed like a great place to start! I took some pretty basic chiptunage and turned it into an epic score suitable for a film... say, someone should MAKE a flashback film. Now that's a film I'd gladly pay $10 to see on the big screen in 3D!

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